Genre: Historical Fiction
Five stars: * * * * *
My favourite book of the 'Seven Sisters' series so far. I am totally embroiled in this series at the moment and I've also almost finished the book after this third one too. I'm listening to the audio books and it's just such a pleasure to be plunged into life five or six generations ago in countries around the world as each of the sisters discovers her heritage. The Shadow Sister follows Star and here we're taken to Edwardian England, with Royal scandals and a close association with Beatrix Potter. The little plot twists and turns and connections across generations are brilliantly carved out and so intriguing. Every character is so vivid in my mind, entwined with the social norms of the times.

Star D’Aplièse is at a crossroads in her life after the sudden death of her beloved father – the elusive billionaire, named Pa Salt by his six daughters, all adopted by him from the four corners of the world. He has left each of them a clue to their true heritage, but Star – the most enigmatic of the sisters – is hesitant to step out of the safety of the close relationship she shares with her sister CeCe. In desperation, she decides to follow the first clue she has been left, which leads her to an antiquarian bookshop in London, and the start of a whole new world...
A hundred years earlier, headstrong and independent Flora MacNichol vows she will never marry. She is happy and secure in her home in the Lake District, living close to her idol, Beatrix Potter, when machinations outside her control lead her to London, and the home of one of Edwardian society’s most notorious players, Alice Keppel. Flora is pulled between passionate love and duty to her family, but finds herself a pawn in a game – the rules of which are only known to others, until a meeting with a mysterious gentleman unveils the answers that Flora has been searching for her whole life...
As Star learns more of Flora’s incredible journey, she too goes on a voyage of discovery, finally stepping out of the shadow of her sister and opening herself up to the possibility of love.
My thoughts
As well as following Flora MacNichol to London generations ago, Star's own story and how she's plunged into a new 'family' as she's researching her heritage was just addictive to read. The quirky mix of family lines, bringing in characters like Mouse, Orlando, Margeriet and Rory (who is just six years old) were just so quirky. Coupled with the brilliant book shop setting as well as the country manor. I could just picture all the awkward scenes, the unusual settings, the unspoken words. Then Star, being so quiet, blending in with this most unusual bunch of people, quietly unearthing family disputes, tragedies and trying to make sense of these people before her and somehow blending in just fine.
Capturing the essence of the setting, the people...the author is incredibly talented. She made me laugh when really nothing was overtly funny, she made me cringe in simple dialogue and beyond all, she made me forever wonder and want to continue reading. I really fell in love with Star and this quirky set of people through the way they were narrated.
I'm addicted to this series! I need to find out how all the sisters are linked, who the missing sister is, what happened to Pa Salt, what's the role of 'Ma' and so much more. I literally can't find enough hours in the day to keep listening to these books. My head phones are on whenever I'm not needed for anything else! If you haven't started this series yet, you should. I can't recommend this highly enough.
Books in the Seven Sisters Series:
The Shadow Sister - this review
The Pearl Sister - nearly finished!
The Moon Sister
The Sun Sister
The Missing Sister (will be released in 2021)
About the author
The author has written beautifully about herself and her life on her website here. A summary here wouldn't do it justice. The website also includes fascinating backgrounds to things mentioned in the book such as armillary spheres and the myths and legends of the Pleiades. Take a read!