I have been working as a social researcher since 2002, starting in the Netherlands, then England and now in India where I head the Research & Insights team at the Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. I have worked primarily in the areas of education and urban governance and additionally I work in the area of diversity and inclusion. In doing so, I've touched upon subjects such as citizenship, democracy, service and infrastructure delivery, safety and security (particularly of women), policing, community policing, voter list management, civic learning, civic participation, equality in school classrooms, outdoor learning, teacher guidance and training, the assessment of subjects like English, science and mathematics as well as the voice of teachers, parents (of school-aged children) and students and so much more.
I have published on platforms such as Economic and Political Weekly, ThePrint, India Development Review, the Huffington Post (India) before it shut down, the journal - Education Research, the educational publisher NFER Nelson (now GL Assessment) and contributed work published in the Oxford Foundation of Knowledge Exchange on the global analysis of wellbeing, as well as the Equality and Human Rights Commission's triennial review on 'How fair is Britain'. A full list of my work is given below.
You can access my LinkedIn profile here. Please do link up with me.

Arora, T., & Pyle, K. (2021): Need for Local Access Points for Central Administration of Identity Cards. Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 56, Issue No. 7, 13 Feb, pp. 24-27. You can download a copy here.
Pyle, K. (2021): Common digital voter list can aid ground officers stuck with drawn maps, duplicate entries. Article in ThePrint. Available:
Pyle, K. (2021): India needs senior female cops for safer cities, 90% women retire as police constables. Article in ThePrint. Available:
Pyle, K., and Arora, T. (2020): City municipalities are poor in fixing problems. People are turning to MLAs, middlemen, NGOs. Article in ThePrint. Available:
Pyle, K., and Arora, T. (2020): Hyderabad municipal polls showed booth-level officers not doing their job properly. Article in ThePrint. Available:
Pyle, K. (2020): Want a better quality of life? Article in India Development Review. Available:
Pyle, K., Arora, T., Mansoor, M.A., and Selvam, K. (2020): Measuring Women's Safety Perceptions & Strengthening Community Policing - Mysore. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Pyle, K., Arora, T., Mansoor, M.A., and Selvam, K. (2020): Measuring Women's Safety Perceptions & Strengthening Community Policing - Hubli-Dharwad. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Pyle,K., and Arora, T. (2019): Civic Learning Impact Evaluation - Bengaluru. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Contributer to: Graham, C., Comim, F., and Anand, P. (2018): The Global Analysis of Wellbeing Report 2018: From measurement to policy and practise. Oxford Foundation of Knowledge Exchange. Available:
Pyle, K., and Arora, T. (2018): Bala Janaagraha Impact Evaluation Report 2017-18. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Pyle, K., Nair, V.A., and Arora, T. (2017). Voter List Management: Booth Level Officer and Landscaping Study in 21 cities in India. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Pyle, K. (2017): Why it’s unlikely that UP will go to the polls with clean voter lists. Blog post in the Huffington Post. Available:
Pyle, K., Arora, T., and Nair, V.A. (2016). Voter List Management: The State of Booth Level Officers (BLOs) in Bangalore; A look at what’s going right and what’s not. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Summary report available:
Satpathi, S., Pyle, K., Vallek, T., and Dharssi, A. (2016). Security Perception Index (Bangalore): 18 Months Follow-up Survey. Available:
Summary report available:
Pyle, K., Arora, T., and Nair, V.A. (2016). Analysis of Bala-Janaagraha Curriculum Knowledge Assessments for Facilitators. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Pyle, K,. Nair., V.A., and Vishwanathan, A. (2016). Bala Janaagraha: Impact Assessment Report 2015-16. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Pyle, K., Nair., V.A., Kurbet, M. (2016). Voter List Management: The Role of the Booth Level Officer in Chennai. Available:
Pyle, K., Nair., V.A., Kurbet, M. (2016). Voter List Management: The Role of the Booth Level Officer in Thiruvananthapuram City. Available:
Pyle, K., and Nair., V.A. (2016). Voter List Management: A Study on the Quality of Voter Lists – Findings from Booth Level Officer (BLO) interviews in Patna. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Summary report available:
Pyle, K., and Nair., V.A. (2016). Voter List Management: A Study on the Quality of Voter Lists – Findings from Patna. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Summary report available:
Pyle, K., and Nair., V.A. (2015). Voter List Management: Survey of the Quality of Voter Lists in Delhi. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Summary report available:
Press release available:
Bertorelli, E., Dharssi, A., Heller, P., Pyle, K., Swaminathan, S., and Varshney, A. (2014). Citizenship in Bangalore: A Practitioner’s View. Janaagraha Centre for Citizenship and Democracy. Available:
Pyle, K., and O'Beirne, C. (2014). Teacher voice omnibus: November 2013 survey - Teachers’ Standards. Slough: NFER. Available:
Lamont, E., and Pyle, K. (2013): NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus November 2012 Survey: New Teachers’ Standards and Appraisal Regulations. Slough: NFER. Available:
Pyle, K., and Ager, R. (2013): NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus March 2013 Survey: Spending Priorities for the Pupil Premium. Slough: NFER. Available:
Pyle, K. (2013). NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus March 2013 Survey: Support for pupils with cancer. Slough: NFER. Available:
Pyle, K. and Cook, R. (2013): NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus March 2013 Survey: Mathematics Teaching in Schools. Slough: NFER. Available:
Smith, R., Aston, H. and Pyle, K. (2012). NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus November 2012 Survey: School exclusions. Slough: NFER. Available:
Southcott, C., Pyle, K. (2011). NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus March 2011 Survey: International engagement. Slough: NFER.
Lewis, K. and Pyle, K. (2010). NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus November 2010 Survey: the Government's Education Reforms. Slough: NFER. Available: [20 June, 2011].
Pyle, K. (2010). ‘Managing assessment processes: the views of teachers in England on aspects of the English assessment system.’ Presentation at the 11th AEA-Europe Conference ‘Managing Assessment Processes: Policies and Research’, Oslo, 4 November.
Contributor through the Teacher Voice Omnibus Survey to: Equality and Human Rights Commission (2010). How fair is Britain? Equality, Human Rights and Good Relations. The First Triennial Review. Available:
Hodgson, C. and Pyle, K. (2010). A Literature Review of Assessment for Learning in Science. Slough: NFER. Available:
Featherstone, G. and Pyle, K. (2010). NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus: February 2010 Survey. Information, Advice and Guidance. Slough: NFER.
Southcott, C. and Pyle, K. (2010). NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus: February 2010 Survey. Preparing Young People for the Future. Slough: NFER.
Pyle, K., Jones, E., Williams, C. and Morrison, J. (2009). ‘Investigation of the factors affecting the pre-test effect in national curriculum science assessment development in England’, Educational Research, 51, 2, 269–282.
Charles, M. and Pyle, K. (2009). ‘Helping schools participate in research: teachers don’t want chocolate’, Impact, 2, 10.
Pyle, K. and Shamsan, Y. (2009). ‘Investigation of the factors affecting the pre-test effect in national curriculum science assessment development in England.’; Presentation at the Tenth Annual AEA-Europe Conference ‘Innovation in Assessment to Meet Changing Needs’, Balzan, Malta, 5-7 November.
Hodgson, C., Pyle, K. and Shamsan, Y. (2009). ‘Assessment for learning in science –what goes on in the primary schools in England?’; Poster presentation at the Tenth Annual AEA-Europe Conference ‘Innovation in Assessment to Meet Changing Needs’, Balzan, Malta, 5-7 November.
Featherstone, G. and Pyle, K. (2009). NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus: November 2009 Survey. Continuing Professional Development. Slough: NFER.
Southcott, C. and Pyle, K. (2009). NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus: June 2009 Survey. The Countryside and the National Curriculum: Questions Submitted by the Countryside Alliance Foundation. Slough: NFER.
Teeman, D. and Pyle, K. (2009). NFER Teacher Voice Omnibus: June 2009 Survey. Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Slough: NFER.
Parkes, C., Jones, E., Hodgson, C., Pyle, K., Wheater, R., Cooper, L. and Sainsbury, M. (2009). i-nfer Plan Lower Key Stage 2 Science Assessment Pack. Slough: NFER.
Patterson, E.W., Pyle, K., Kispal, K., Siddiqui, R., McNaughton, S. and Rees, F. (2008). Comparison of the Core Primary Curriculum in England to those of Other High Performing Countries (DCSF Research Report RW048). London: DCSF.
Sewell, J., Sainsbury, M., Pyle, K., Keogh, N. and Styles, B. (2007). Renaissance Learning Equating Study: Report.
Brill, F. and Pyle, K. (2004). Interact: Assessing Speaking and Listening Through Drama 7 and 8. London: nferNelson.
Kirkup, C., Sainsbury, M., Huddy, D., Adams, E., Burge, B. and Pyle, K. (2003). The Introduction of the Foundation Stage Profile: a Research Study Investigating Reactions to the Foundation Stage Profile in the Spring Term of 2003 in Six LEAs with Different Assessment Traditions. Slough: NFER.